052 - R7 MARINER

Thermoplastic hose MSHA approved for marine hydraulic applications from 70 to 210 bar (1000 to 3000 psi)

052 - R7 MARINER

Thermoplastic hose MSHA approved for marine hydraulic applications from 70 to 210 bar (1000 to 3000 psi)

Technical details

Inner Tube

Polyester elastomer


One or two braids of synthetic fiber


Polyurethane - black - pinpricked - laser branding


Marine and off-shore equipment - Boats - Cranes - Marine transport systems


Lightweight - Flexible - Compact - Bonded construction - Abrasion resistant - Pinpricked cover


Meets or exceeds SAE 100R7 - Medium pressure hose suitable for petroleum synthetic or water based hydraulic fluids used in applications requiring increased resistance to seawater and saline environment. Is also recommended for general on-shore equipment working in high humidity environment.

Temperature Range

-40 °C to 100 °C (-40 °F to 212 °F): limited to 70 °C ( 158 °F) for air and water based fluids

Vacuum Rating

-0,93 bar; -700 mm Hg|-13,5 psi; -27,5 inch Hg


SAE 100R7 // EN855-R7 // ISO3949-R7

Standard Branding

 - TO HYDRAULIC - Part No - R7 MARINER - SAE 100R7-Dash Size - Inch Size - DN Size - WP bar / psi - MSHA IC-305/01 - MADE IN ITALY - www.transferoil.com - QQ/YY - Batch No

