040 - VHP 10000 MARINER

Tubo termoplastico approvato MSHA a pressione costante per applicazioni oleodinamiche in ambiente marino ad altissima pressione fino a 700 bar (10000 psi).

040 - VHP 10000 MARINER

Tubo termoplastico approvato MSHA a pressione costante per applicazioni oleodinamiche in ambiente marino ad altissima pressione fino a 700 bar (10000 psi).

Dati tecnici

Inner Tube

Polyester elastomer


Up to three braids of aramid fiber plus one braid of steel wire


Polyurethane - black - non pinpricked - white inkjet branding


Off-shore and sub-sea high pressure systems - Pumps and valves - Bolt tensioning tools - Jacking and rerailing equipment


Combined Aramid Steel braid construction for compact design - Lightweight and flexible - Light bend radii for use on hose reels and in tight environments - Antiabrasion cover.


Exceeds the former American Jacking Specifications IJ100 (1/4") - Very High Pressure hose suitable for petroleum or synthetic or water based hydraulic fluids in hydraulic systems and applications requiring increased resistance to seawater and saline environment - Is also recommended for general on-shore equipment working in high humidity environment - Combined Aramid Steel braid ensures longevity pressure performance and compact design

Temperature Range

-40 °C to 100 °C (-40 °F to 212 °F): limited to 70 °C ( 158 °F) for air and water based fluids

Vacuum Rating

-0,93 bar; -700 mm Hg|-13,5 psi; -27,5 inch Hg

Marcatura Standard

 - TO HYDRAULIC - Part No - VHP 10000 MARINER - Inch Size - DN Size - WP bar / psi - MSHA IC-305/01 - MADE IN ITALY - www.transferoil.com - QQ/YY - Batch No

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